
Think Tank

Hyperactivity is one of the major concerns in today’s Times.  Parents and teachers are equally concerned about the kind of restlessness and hyperactivity displayed in the behavior of the students. Many a times hyperactivity or excessive restlessness/hypermobility are misdiagnosed as a neurological disorder like ADHD. 
At Sarvottam International School, we believe in a proper holistic investigation before we ask any student to go for a neurological or psychological assessment.Being the Best International School In greater Noida West and known for pro-child approach, we understand that going for unnecessary tests can be troublesome and wasteful on the part of the child. We have worked on many cases where the hyperactivity of the children could be managed and improved only through simple regular interventions in the family or classroom setups.
First and foremost, we need to understand what hyperactivity is. Hyperactivity is the deregulation of the brain neurotransmitters or the way the brain functions. It is like an electrical gadget working without proper moderation in the electric current. The possible reasons for hyperactivity in children are improper screen time,  unhealthy eating habits, improper sleeping patterns, any type of communication or expression barrier, or any other lifestyle issue that can damage the proper functioning of the brain.
 As parents and mentors we need to understand that hyperactivity in children is not the same as being undisciplined. Let’s discuss three tips that will help all parents to work on the hyperactivity of their children.
While investigating the rise of hyperactivity in children, it has been researched that unhealthy eating habits like excessive sugar intake and junk foods, are the major sources of creating restlessness in the minds of young children.  So much so, that the physical functioning of the nervous system gets disrupted as and when the sugar intake is high. So the first step would be to cut out on any food items which are high in sodium and sugar. Which also implies that junk food and sugar intake will worsen if the child is already struggling with hyperactivity.
Secondly,  it has been identified that if young children are exposed to excessive screen time and inappropriate games they tend to become more hyperactive and gradually their brain also starts to function differently. A CNN report published earlier this year stated that a major physical change in the brain of children has been seen where the exposure to screen was more than 3 to 4 hours per day.  Parents must monitor what their child watches and how much time they spend on screen.
Lastly, the lifestyle issues that lead to hyperactivity in children should be taken care of by all parents and adults in the family.  Proper sleep cycles and physical activity are the most important part of the overall well-being of the neurological system and functions of the body.  Improper sleep cycle and lack of proper physical activity among children can lead to hindrance in absorption of nutrients. In turn, which will lead to an unhealthy body and will create a pattern of cognitive decline among children. Also, Meditation for 10 minutes or more has shown an impressive improvement among hyperactive children.
Parents should also ensure that there is a conducive environment for the children to talk about their struggles and challenges.  Research suggests that children are more prone to hyperactivity if they are anxious and stressed. We should ensure that children know how to deal with setbacks and difficult emotions.  It will also help them choose a healthy lifestyle and disciplined behavior. Let’s stay aware and empowered as parents.
