
Think Tank

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” – Albert Einstein
As the most brilliant mind of all times says, curiosity is paramount, making it an indispensable skill for a person to succeed in any field of life. We are all born with unbridled curiosity and there is a supreme reason behind it. If necessity is the mother of all inventions, then curiosity is a very close relative.
Have you ever observed a child in his formative years? A mother or a caretaker is always struggling to keep him from gnawing, touching, hitting, and reaching out for things around him, because this is his way of understanding the world around him. A child should never seize learning and for learning, the fire of curiosity must keep burning. 
When children ask you questions on what, how and why of things, you should be happy that they are curious because a curious mind shows that the child is active, alert and receptive. This attitude will help him un-tap his inner potential. Curiosity should not be mistaken to be a compulsive habit. It is necessarily a skill that should be honed. 
We need to give children time to explore and absorb from their environment. It is here that experiment-based or practical-based learning takes a centre stage. Instead of “Chalk and Talk” we must adopt the “Do-observe-learn” approach where we allow them to experience and explore right from the very beginning. We must encourage them to question and search for answers through talking, researching, reading and experimenting rather than giving them device-laden entertainment to keep them uselessly engaged.
If we as parents and teachers don’t reinforce curiosity, soon they will forget to be curious, and this will mark the end of their learning and growth. 
A passionately curious child is a child gifted with special talent. Look up to your role models and identify why they became great. 
Why did Gautam Buddha leave his world of pleasures? 
What made Dr. Kalam the missile man of India? 
What encouraged Einstein, the eminent scientist, to drop out of school?
What made Santosh Yadav take up mountaineering?
There is only one-word answer for all these questions and only one encouraging force behind all these success stories. The word is Curiosity. The quest to know what lies beyond. 
We at Sarvottam school Greater Noida It is therefore imperative to be curious, to be wanting to know, to get into the science of things and meanings, no matter what field your child chooses in life. Curiosity is the skill you need to build from the beginning. It needs no formal training to do the same. A little encouragement to “ask and do” is what can keep curiosity alive.
