Cambridge Curriculum

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Introduction to Early Childhood Care


From birth to age 5, children pass through various developmental stages. At Sarvottam, we understand the significance of monitoring these milestones. Through playing, learning, speaking, acting, and movement, each child reveals their unique developmental path. We encourage parents to closely observe and record these milestones, sharing them with pediatricians during routine check-ups. You can always address Concerns about a child's development with our dedicated early childhood and special instruction support team.


Overview of Early Years Curriculum

The Cambridge Early Years curriculum at Sarvottam is designed to nurture children all around, linking their development with their environment and the people around them. This curriculum encompasses a broad spectrum of learning objectives spread across three key stages:

  • Early Year Program 1
  • Early Year Program 2
  • Early Year Program 3
    Age Group
  • 3 to 4 Years
  • 4 to 5 Years
  • 5 to 6 Years

This structure supports personalized learning, acknowledging that each child develops at their own pace, influenced by their background and experiences.

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Curriculum Details and Learning Domains


Our curriculum is organized into six fundamental areas, ensuring a balanced approach to early education:

  • Communication, Language & Literacy
  • Creative Expression
  • Mathematics
  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Understanding the World

These domains guide the progression of learning from the earliest stages through to readiness for primary education. Our approach helps children develop a robust foundation in each area through a spiral learning method, which deepens and broadens understanding over time.


Unique Assessment Approach

At Sarvottam, assessments within the Cambridge Early Years program are integral to our educational philosophy. We employ continuous formative assessments to gauge a child's progress relative to the curriculum's learning statements. By observing and recording children's activities, we collect valuable insights that guide our teaching methods and help tailor learning experiences to meet each child's developmental needs and potential. This proactive approach ensures that each child's learning journey is as enriching and effective as possible.

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